Wayne Weekly: “Watch out…this season, it’s in the air!”
Written by Teddy on May 11, 2015
If you’re at all in the seasonal battle with allergies, this year you had better call in more of the troops!
From what I am hearing, spring allergies this season are packing a punch…or should I say “a sneeze”.
Although I grew up in the Finger Lakes of New York, I had no allergies that I knew of until about 6 years ago. My wife Evie had been contending with seasonal allergies since she pulled up roots in Munster, Indiana and moved to central NY shortly after our wedding day. Evie use to tell me that my day would come…but I paid little attention to her warnings.
Just this past week certain types of Maple trees, evergreens, and who know what else, gathered together and made war on the human biological systems of many. My car’s exterior and interior was dusted with yellow pollen. Below trees that lined our city streets evidence of the war lay contrasted against black asphalt.
Some things are air born. Pollen is a good thing for nature, but can raise not so good havoc for humans.
Christian radio is air born as well. It is a good thing because it brings good news to people. News of redemption in Christ. It brings encouragement for the believer. It brings hope to a world that has “gone astray”. The air born gospel also brings with it bad news for those who turn from God’s grace. It brings the news of condemnation to those who are unrepentive.
Yes, there may be seasons for air born allergens, but the air born gospel…well here’s what the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in regards to the gospel message:
“Preach the Word; be diligent in season, out of season…” 2 Timothy 4:2
At the Mars Hill Network….we’re in season all year long, and we’re air born.