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Wayne Weekly: Short Stay…Easter Break

Written by on April 3, 2023

One thing we all can agree on, especially as we approach our twilight years, our stay on earth is brief.

God original plan was that we would live forever, in complete harmony and obedience to Him. Now, to be honest, we all know God is omniscient. God is sovereign. Nothing surprises God. He knew that mankind would fall away in the Garden of Eden.  Adam’s disobedience was sin, and mapped out the future for us all…and God knew it all the time.

Now that’s just hard to understand.

But just as God knew man would sin, He also had made provision in eternity past. That provision for our salvation was the cross. The second person of the trinity was to take on the form of man, and humble Himself.

And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.                   Philippians 2:8

This act of divine love extended forever our fellowship with God. This act of obedience and sacrifice satisfied the payment for our sin.

Nevertheless, one of the many results of Adam’s disobedience was that we would grow old and die physically. All creation would groan waiting for the day of redemption until God’s complete work of total redemption of both body and soul would take place. For sure, that will happen in His due time, but in the interim, we must pass through our earthly life with all its heartaches, ailments, and trials.

Indeed, our stay on earth is short, and in our fallen condition, that’s a good thing. When the silver cord is broken, we as Christians begin perfection for eternity.

I suppose we could rightly say that the cross is our crossroads from death to life, that the empty tomb is the dark place that leaves death behind…and that is the good news, and that is Easter.

 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…”                 Matthew 28:6

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