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Wayne Weekly “Sailing On Without Shipwreck”

Written by on April 7, 2016

I drive by a “sailboat shop” every day on my way to work. I have the blessing of living in the Finger Lakes and as I “sail” through Skaneateles from Auburn, I often see boats of all kinds dotting the clear water of Skaneateles Lake. I see the sailboat shop and its grounds east of the village often displaying sailboats boasting with those towering masts. I don’t sail, in a boat anyway (wish I did), but like you…I sail through life, both through the calm and the rough seas.


I’m reading 1st Timothy in my personal devotions. In chapter one, Timothy is commanded (yes commanded) in accordance to previous truth to “fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience”. The letter continues with, “which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.”


The “previous truth” here is said by scholars to perhaps mean special revelations about Timothy, maybe given at his baptism or ordination into ministry. Regardless, all of us are given a charge by the Lord to do His work, and he provides talents and skills to us, and above all, spiritual gifts to accomplish our mission. Therefore all believers can apply these verses personally to our lives here on earth’s sea of life.


The warning sited by Paul to Timothy for disregarding his charge, is an example of “some who rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.”


Man, that is a sobering warning. Paul even tells Timothy that some of those who have shipwrecked he has “delivered over to Satan, so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.”


There is a big price to pay for “disdaining that which is sacred”, as one commentary reads.


So, as we sail through life as a “called out one”, we should regularly look at our nautical maps. Sometimes we need to review the ship’s log and get our bearings.


With hope and prayers that we attend to our God given mission…and sail on.

Ref. I Timothy 1:18-20