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Wayne Weekly:”It’s the Grand Ol’ Flag…wave it high!”

Written by on May 27, 2015

Just going through Memorial Day, most of us have seen American Flags “galore in glory”. In my home town two of our public parks flew scores and scores of the red, white, and blue. My wife Evie and I purchased a couple of smaller flags for the cemetery where my Mom and Dad are buried. My Dad served in the Navy during WW 2, my Mom served later on in the Taylor household barking orders at five kids! I figured they both deserve a flag.

At the risk of sounding predictable, we certainly are blessed to live in America. None of us met special qualifications to be born on this soil, God ordained it. We didn’t merit our citizenship, it just was God’s divine plan for our life. Kind of puts an additional take on:

“And from everyone who has been given much, shall much be required…”    Luke 12:48

Though we American’s can get proud and wave flags remembering those who fought for our country giving their lives for our freedoms, and rightly so, there is another flag that all believers can wave, regardless of national citizenship. This banner is one that we’re to wave with more vitality, more enthusiasm and with more pride. This ensign is the banner of God, the grand old flag. The prophet Isaiah wrote as recorded in Isaiah 60:4…

“Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.”

Christian, wave it high!

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