Wayne Weekly “16…Not a Very Good Year, 17…Let the Ball Drop”
Written by Teddy on December 30, 2016
Let’s be honest, 2016 was not the best of years. We experienced much of what we have experienced in the past several years; a failing economy, more horrendous crime, Washington pundits seemingly living above the law and ignoring our constitution, immoral activity being glamorized and promoted, and the beat goes on
Realistically, we’ll see much of the same in 2017, but is there a glimmer of hope breaking through the dark clouds over America? I am cautiously optimistic. Cautious, because like you I know the heart of man. Optimistic, because new leadership in DC includes men and women who hold true our constitution the way our forefathers met it to be understood, seem to stand on sound moral convictions, and even some profess to be members of God’s family, that is they proclaim to be genuine, “born from above” Christians. That is something to be optimistic about!
I think Satan is not a happy camper right now. The evil one wants nothing better than to destroy God’s plan of “family”, a man-woman marriage that holds potential to produce beautiful, functional, and even happy families. Now, I know we don’t live in a theocracy, that will happen down the road with Jesus on the millennial kingdom throne, but when a people hold to the principles of the Word of God…God blesses and healing comes.
So, let’s be hopeful. Let’s be committed to pray for our nation. A strong, good America is good for the entire world. A church that commits to prayer is a powerfully effective institution, turning a glimmer of hope into a floodlight of renewal as the gospel is preached and the gospel is “lived out” in the lives of those who belong to the universal church of Jesus Christ.
Let the ball drop!
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” Proverbs 14:34