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Specializing in Bible teaching, workshops, seminars & other educational content by quality pastors, teachers & professionals

Ministry Mission/Vision

In a lost world that needs solid, biblically-based teaching, Mars Hill Summit is there to reach those that don’t know Christ with just that, but also to strengthen & encourage the believer & follower of Jesus Christ.  With Mars Hill Summit, our goal is to provide those that are seeking to learn (more) about Christ and/or go deeper into understanding our Christian faith with great teaching that follows sound, biblical doctrine.

Biblical Inspiration

Mars Hill Summit gets its biblical inspiration from 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12 & Proverbs 27:17.  God instructs us to spend time in His Word so we can grow closer to Him & gain knowledge, wisdom & insight on how we should live our lives.  In doing this, we feel the need to reflect on our own walk — to see if we need correction or change in our lives & how we can grow closer in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ — but also to correct & sharpen our brothers & sisters in Christ.  By getting into God’s Word & spending time edifying one another through what the LORD reveals to us in His Word, our hearts are pierced, but sharpened, convicted, but not condemned, chastened, but not destroyed.  Solid biblical teaching & experiences living the Christian walk will help us grow as a church, but also help us grow as sheep led by The Good Shepherd.  With the Mars Hill Summit ministry, we hope you will be encouraged with resources containing solid biblical teaching & grow deeper in your faith as you grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

– 2 Timothy 3:16

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

– Hebrews 4:12

“As iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

– Proverbs 27:17

“As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

– 1 Peter 4:10

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

– 2 Timothy 2:15

“Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

– Matthew 5:19



Our new video series tailored towards Christian women to help them to become strong, Kingdom-minded women.

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Mars Hill Online Summit

How to Become Involved in Prison Ministry

Details About The Production

This is our first officially sanctioned One North Media production.  The production is a collaboration between Mars Hill Summit, our teaching ministry, and Prison Fellowship, the world’s largest non-profit Christian ministry for the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated & their families, and a leading advocate for justice reform.The online workshop takes you through the details of prison ministry to show you how it impacts the incarcerated and how someone could get involved in prison ministry as a volunteer or through other means of support. The production is broken down into several parts:

1) Introduction – What is Prison Fellowship?
2) Part 1 – Why Prison Ministry?
3) Part 2 – Prison Ministry’s Impact on the Incarcerated
4) Part 3 – Prison Ministry From a Volunteer’s Perspective
5) Part 4 – How to Get Involved with Prison Ministry
6) Conclusion – How to Get Involved with Prison Ministry: Local/County Level

We pray that this production will be used for God’s glory, that many will gain value spiritually from it, that it will be example of God’s love unfolding, and that it will help provide hope in the journey. God bless you all, & enjoy!

Ministering to Survivors of Suicide Loss

Being a Refuge in a Time of Storm

A Seminar on Suicide & Spirituality, Helping Those Grieve Through Losing a Loved One to Suicide

Ministering to Survivors of Suicide Loss

Being a Refuge in a Time of Storm
A Seminar on Suicide & Spirituality, Helping Those Grieve Through Losing a Loved One to Suicide

Details About The Production

“Ministering to Survivors of Suicide Loss: Being a Refuge in a Time of Storm” is a seminar on suicide & spirituality, helping those grieve through losing a loved one to suicide. This seminar is broken down into three different segments for easier viewing, but it is comprised of seven different parts:

1) Introduction – Looking at Popular Views of Suicide in Church History & Some Case Studies
2) Session 1 – Spiritual Question #1: Is My Loved One in Hell?
3) Session 2 – Spiritual Question #2: Is Suicide the “Unforgivable Sin”?
4) Session 3 – Spiritual Question #3: How Can the Church Help Me?
5) Session 4 – Spiritual Question #4: Where Can I Find Hope?
5) Session 5 – Spiritual Question #5: Is it My Fault?
6) Conclusion – Brief Interview Transcript, Synopsis & Challenge

The material has been put together by Dr. Thomas Perchitti, author of the book Suicide: Unforgivable? A Grace Manual for Those Who Have Lost a Loved One to Suicide, which is the basis for all the material covered in this seminar. This book helps give hope for people who have lost loved ones and hope for communities and churches as they seek to minister & provide resources for those individuals. This seminar was originally held on September 16, 2023 at Hope Presbyterian Church in Syracuse, NY. We thank Pastor Michael Shingler & the church family for graciously hosting Mars Hill Network & Dr. Perchitti.

Thomas Perchitti (ED. d, Grand Canyon University) is the senior pastor at Tyre Reformed Church. He is an NAMB endorsed Army chaplain (reserves) and Adjunct Professor. He holds M.A., M.Div. and TH.M., degrees from Liberty University and an M.A., in Apologetics from Houston Baptist University. He was born and raised in Miami and currently resides in Waterloo, New York. He is married and has three boys & two granddaughters.

If you have any questions about the material presented in this video or any of the other segments, please email tperchitti@aol.com. You can also learn more about Dr. Perchitti, his ministry & access some of the resources he’s put together at the links below:

Connect The Dots Ministry
Suicide: Unforgivable? A Grace Manual for Those Who Have Lost a Loved One to Suicide
Suicide: Unforgivable? Study Guide

We pray that this production will be used for God’s glory, that many will gain value spiritually from it, that it will be example of God’s love unfolding, and that it will help provide hope in the journey.

Check out the segments below:

Check out the segments below:

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We’re also excited to announce our partnership with Eaglecom Marketing as they have provided us with our very own Love Worth Finding landing page as part of their specialized media partnership program called Truth Growers. This page includes various resources from Love Worth Finding, with some resources updating weekly & others monthly, but all helping you deepen your faith & grow in the truth of God’s Word. To access the resources on our landing page, please click the button below.


Ligonier’s founder Dr. R.C. Sproul taught us that “everyone’s a theologian.” However, Dr. Sproul would be quick to add that not everyone is a good theologian. Since we were made in the image of our Creator, all of life and all its questions ultimately relate to God and His truth. But where are people turning to find their answers?

The State of Theology is a part of the ministry outreach of Ligonier Ministries.  Since 2014, Ligonier has taken the theological temperature of Americans every two years to find out what people on the street and in congregations actually believe. This professionally conducted survey reveals key findings about how U.S. adults and, more importantly, professing evangelicals think about God, truth, worship, ethical issues, and more. The 2022 results, available at TheStateOfTheology.com, show an urgent need for faithful Bible teaching as society in the United States drifts from accepting the truth claims of the Christian faith.  Understanding the worldviews and beliefs of people in America can equip the church for discipleship, helping Christians respond to life’s questions with the revealed truth of God.

Check out some of the 2022 survey results from “The State of Theology” below

Stay tuned for more Summit video content & resources on this page coming soon!