Syracuse March for Life 2023

The MOST 500 S Franklin St, Syracuse, NY, United States

SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2023 DOWNTOWN SYRACUSE • 12 NOON SPONSORED BY SYRACUSE RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION, INC. (315) 456-BABY (2229) The Syracuse March for Life is a reflective peaceful protest of the devaluing of human life. The March begins in Armory Square near the MOST and will proceed to the County Courthouse in Columbus Circle. […]


Syracuse March for Life 2024

The MOST 500 S Franklin St, Syracuse, NY, United States

The Syracuse March for Life is a reflective peaceful protest of the devaluing of human life. The March begins in Armory Square near the MOST and will proceed to the County Courthouse in Columbus Circle. Signs and banners for your pro-life group or place of worship are welcome! EQUAL PROTECTION FOR THE UNBORN! Speaker: Michele […]
