Vacation Bible School

Awaken Church 5526 Rome Taberg Road, Rome, NY, United States

From a whimsical lighthouse on an enchanted island, Explorers are guided by a Lighthouse Keeper and Beacon the Puffin on an exciting quest to find five mysterious Infinity Lanterns to help light their way. Using map coordinates from the Reference Book (the Bible), children discover clues to finding each Lantern while learning how God's light […]

Community Tent Meetings

Maple Ridge Center 7421 E RD, Lowville, NY, United States

Join us each evening from August 10-24th under the big tent with Evangelist's Nelson Coblentz and Dave Miller from Gospel Express Ministries. Meetings will be held, nightly, at 7pm at the Maple Ridge Center, 7421 East Road, Lowville NY 13367. All are welcome! Come out and see what God is doing in Lewis County

Revive 2022-A Night of Worship, Praise and Prayer

REVIVE 2022- a great night of seeking the Lord through worship and prayer. This is presented by Calvary Chapel Seneca Falls, but is meant to be an event for all local churches. Let's gather together as the local body of Christ in Seneca Falls and the surrounding areas and seek His face.

LeTourneau Revive Youth Rally

LeTourneau Christian Center 4950 East Lake Road (County Rd 11), Rushville, NY, United States

Attention students grades 6-12, on Sunday, August 14th from 3-7pm at will be the LeTourneau Christian Center Summer Youth Revive Rally. This will be an exciting afternoon of meeting other youth in the area, having a blast in the water, playing paintball, learning from God's Word and even the opportunity to do some boating and […]

Vacation Bible School

Agape House Fellowship 36085 State Route 180, LaFargeville, NY, United States

Zoomerang! Returning to the Value of Life! Preschool to 6th graders are welcomed to join in on the fun with science, crafts, music, stories, games, snacks, and more! Come meet new friends and have fun!


The Oneida-Canastota Christian Women’s Club Luncheon

The Oneida-Canastota Christian Women's Club invite you to their "Precious Memories" Luncheon, Thursday, August 18 from 11am to 12:45pm at Theodore's Restaurant, Route 5 in Canastota.  Speaker will be Lis Ringwall of Boonville, author of "I Remember Momma." Cost is $16.00 at the door. Reservations by August 15 to Jackie (315) 363-1224 or email: […]


Homeschool seminar

First Baptist Church of Memphis 1960 West Genesee Turnpike, Elbridge, NY, United States

You are invited to a free seminar led by an experienced homeschool mom. You will find encouragement and kind advice. You will learn about the essential steps on this journey from documentation to picking the right curriculum. The seminar will be followed by refreshments - a great time to ask any additional questions. (Refreshments are […]

Vacation Bible School Big Fish Bay

Fellowship Baptist Church 20022 NYS Route 3, Watertown, NY, United States

Come sail with us into the bay where we will learn about our Amazing God and His mercy. Classes for all ages 3 through adult. Nursery will be available for children 2 and under. August 22nd through August 26th 6:30 p.m. through 9:00 p.m.

Live Broadcast of Sight & Sound Theatre’s production of “DAVID”

Webster Reformed Church 1344 State Road, Webster, NY, United States

Friday September 2 at 7:00pm! The Sight and Sound Theatre production of DAVID will be broadcast Live from Lancaster, Pa on the big screen at Webster Christian Reformed Church, 1344 State Rd. Webster. The story of David's journey to become a man after God's own heart comes to life with original music inspired by the […]


The Collinsworth Family in Concert

Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

The Collingsworth Family will be appearing at Auburn Alliance on Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm. Tickets available at: Tickets | The Collingsworth Family Fall "Just Sing!" 2022 Fall Concert Tour in Auburn, NY | iTickets

LeTourneau Ladies Luncheon

LeTourneau Christian Center 4950 East Lake Road (County Rd 11), Rushville, NY, United States

LeTourneau Christian Center’s Blessed Hope ladies luncheons are restarting for the fall! Come join us on Friday, September 9, 2022 at 11:00 am. Nikki Parris is returning as our speaker. Registration and $13 pre-payment before September 2 are required for in-person attendance and lunch, which can be made by calling 585-554-3400.


Awana Club Carnival

Immanuel Baptist Church-Rome 1006 West Embargo Street, Rome, NY, United States

Rain or Shine! Kick off to our 2022 - 2023 Awana Club season The Carnival is for boys and girls of all ages Games, prizes, cotton candy, popcorn, shaved ice Parent or guardian is asked to attend and supervise their child
