Election Night Supper at Fowler Baptist Church

Fowler Baptist Church 8 Balmat-Fowler Rd., Gouverneur, NY, United States

ELECTION NIGHT ROAST BEEF DINNER at Fowler Baptist Church (turn at blinking light on Rt. 58 in Fowler) on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Take-Out: 4 PM. Eat-In: 5 PM. Menu: Roast beef, green beans, potatoes, squash, bread, and pie. Cost: $15. Children (5-10 years) eat-in for $7.50. Children 4 & Under eat-in free. All proceeds go […]

Women Remaining Steadfast – Women’s Conference

Kingston Gospel Temple 2295 Princess St., Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Join Mars Hill Radio Canada for a special women's conference called Women Remaining Steadfast.  The conference will be held at Kingston Gospel Temple in Kingston, ON on Saturday, November 12 from 8:30am-2:30pm.  The event will feature messages from Jeannie Vogel, Mary Kassian & Revive our Hearts Canadian Ambassador Monica Allman, and a guest solo music […]


Grief Share’s Surviving the Holidays

Northside Church 7965 Oswego Rd., Liverpool, NY, United States

Are you grieving the loss of a loved one… and dreading the thought of the holidays?  Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas… knowing everything has changed? The GriefShare program at Northside Church in Liverpool is hosting a “Surviving the Holidays” event.  Saturday, November 12th at 9 a.m. You’ll get helpful […]


Free Veteran’s Dinner

Living Water Life Station 98 Route 95, Moira, NY, United States

FREE  Veteran’s Dinner- for all veterans and their families – Turkey with all the trimmings  - Saturday, November 12th 1-3 pm.  (open 10am for coffee / donut fellowship) – At “Living Water Life Station” Fellowship Hall (The old Rutland Station) - 98 Rt. 95, Moira.  More info: (315) 250-0802    Blessings to our Veterans!

North Manlius Turkey Dinner

North Manlius United Church 7815 Adams Road, Kirkville, NY, United States

Turkey dinner with all the fixings.  Cost is $13.00.


Drive Thru Chicken and Biscuit Dinner

Collamer United Church 6865 Fly Rd, Collamer, NY, United States

The Collamer United Church is very pleased to announce that it will present a public   Drive-Thru Only  Chicken & Biscuit Dinner On Saturday, November 12, 2022.     Serving will be from 4:30 P.M. through approximately 6:15 P.M.   The church is located at 6865 Fly Road in Collamer (East Syracuse), just South of […]

Lost and Then Found Luncheon

The Oneida-Canastota Women's Club invites you to the "Lost and Then Found Luncheon" on Thursday, November 17 from 11am to 12:45pm, at Theordore's Restaurant, Route 5 in Canastota. Reservations to Jackie at (315) 363-1224 by November 13 or email: choralmom@verizon.net.  Cost is $16 at the door.


Homeschool Hullabaloo

LeTourneau Christian Center 4950 East Lake Road (County Rd 11), Rushville, NY, United States

Homeschool Hullabaloo events are opportunities for homeschool students to connect with others while having an absolute blast. For this November event, the students will do a Thanksgiving Day art project, practice self defense and learn more about God’s love as they enjoy a LeTourneau Mega Cookie.


Festival of Trees

Kallet Civic Center 159 Main Street, Oneida, NY, United States

The Festival of Trees will be Thursday, November 17 & Friday, November 18th from 6-9pm & Saturday November 19th from 4-9pm. Event proceeds will benefit the House of Hope residential program. Come visit our Christmas wonderland of beautifully decorated trees while sipping on hot chocolate and enjoying Christmas music. There will be: * Free Face […]


Turkey Outreach

River Church 750 James Street, Syracuse, NY, United States

Free Turkeys and trimmings! River Church will be holding our annual turkey giveaway with trimmings this year!! On November 19th at 9 am at River church 750 James Street in Syracuse NY 13203. We have 250 turkeys and sides until supplies run out.

RTOS November Theatre Organ Concert

RBTL's Auditorium Theatre 885 East Main St., Rochester, NY, United States

The Rochester Theater Organ Society presents “Pizza Parlor Pizzaz!” on Sunday, November 20th at 2:30 PM at the Auditorium Theatre. Coming to Rochester from the famous Organ Stop Pizza restaurant in Mesa, Az; Brett Valliant promises to provide lively entertainment on the RTOS-Grierson Wurlitzer 4/23 theatre pipe organ! Admission for NON-members is $15 per person. […]


Free Thanksgiving Day Meal

First Baptist Church of Little Falls 555 Albany Street, Little Falls, NY, United States

FREE Thanksgiving Day Dinner 11:30 am-1:30 pm First Baptist Church 555 Albany St., Little Falls, NY Meals provided by reservation only, Call 315-823-3392 by Nov. 21st Take out or delivery ONLY (No Dining In) -Take outs are to be picked up at the front door according to your assigned time. Deliveries to Little Falls ONLY
