Together for Youth – NTDC Foster Parent Certification Classes

Together for Youth 1065 James St, Syracuse, NY, United States

Foster Parent Training Classes will begin in January 2025. The classes will be held on Monday evenings at our office located at 1065 James St, Syracuse NY 13203. Classes will run every Monday for 10 weeks starting January 13, 2025. 6pm to 9pm


Celebrate Recovery Meetings

Crossroads Community Church 1751 Fyler Rd, Chittenango, NY, United States

Join us for a Bible based 12-Step recovery ministry to find healing from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe and secure environment with ladies and men who find healing with Jesus Christ as their higher power. We meet weekly in the Crossroads Community Center.



Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.  At GriefShare group, you'll find understanding guidance, relief, and a safe place to navigate the challenges of grief.  Come join us!


Open-Mic Coffee House

First Congregational Church of Morristown 541 Sand Street Road, Hammond, NY, United States

A family-friendly evening of Christian music along with snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, and fellowship. Christian musicians and singers are invited to come and share their favorite songs of faith with an appreciative audience.


Youth Rally

Capital Church 1222 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Schenectady, NY, United States

There will be a night of games, a biblical message and youth worship lead by Chi Alpha missionaries. Please contact Jennifer at 838-200-8465. The event will be held at Capital Church, 1222 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Schenectady NY 12309 from 7:00-9:30pm.


Valentine Party

SYFC Youth Center Building 31 David St., Ogdensburg, NY, United States

Valentine Day is more than candy and hearts. Our fun exciting party will share the message of God’s love-the greatest valentine ever. Our party, geared towards elementary students will have valentine themed games, activities and a lesson about those who risked their lives to tell others of Christ’s love in ancient Rome



LaFayette Alliance Church 6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, NY, United States

A special help seminar and support group for people experiencing grief and loss. GrielfShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics.


Winter Fun Night

Rock Mountain Bible Camp 1156 Rock Mountain Drive, Susquehanna, PA, United States

Enjoy time together with your family, friends, or youth group at Winter Fun Night! Activities include lasertag, snow tubing, open gym time and a campfire. Food and snacks available for purchase! Cost is $10/adults, $6 for kids under 12. More information and registration available HERE


Together for Youth – NTDC Foster Parent Certification Classes

Together for Youth 1065 James St, Syracuse, NY, United States

Foster Parent Training Classes will begin in January 2025. The classes will be held on Monday evenings at our office located at 1065 James St, Syracuse NY 13203. Classes will run every Monday for 10 weeks starting January 13, 2025. 6pm to 9pm


Celebrate Recovery Meetings

Crossroads Community Church 1751 Fyler Rd, Chittenango, NY, United States

Join us for a Bible based 12-Step recovery ministry to find healing from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe and secure environment with ladies and men who find healing with Jesus Christ as their higher power. We meet weekly in the Crossroads Community Center.



Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.  At GriefShare group, you'll find understanding guidance, relief, and a safe place to navigate the challenges of grief.  Come join us!


Monthly Meeting of Tri-County Riders for Christ (Chapter 1261: CMA)

Jreck Subs 29 Market St, Alexandria Bay, NY, United States

Christian Motorcyclist Association Watertown Chapter is seeking new members. The CMA is a ministry to the motorcycling community. The chapter meets on the last Friday of each month 6:00 pm @ Jreck Sub Shop 2 S.Main Street Philadelphia, NY. For further information contact Paul Watson (Chapter President) @ 315-408-1321
