Easter Sunrise Service

LeTourneau Christian Center 4950 East Lake Road (County Rd 11), Rushville, NY, United States

Luke 24:6a “He is not here; He has risen!” He has risen indeed! Come Easter morning to celebrate and hear more about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our Creator loves us so much and He desires to have a personal relationship with us. In His amazing love and kindness He has […]



LaFayette Alliance Church 6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, NY, United States

A special help seminar and support group for people experiencing grief and loss. GrielfShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics.


Fresh Start Fellowship

Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

Fresh Start Fellowship is a Life Recovery Group. We all have struggles in life. We get impatient with those we love, we may struggle with finances, or feel down some days and unmotivated. Everyday life has its difficulties. But some of these struggles are deep rooted and can lead to feelings of being stuck in […]


Celebrate Recovery Meetings

Crossroads Community Church 1751 Fyler Rd, Chittenango, NY, United States

Join us for a Bible based 12-Step recovery ministry to find healing from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe and secure environment with ladies and men who find healing with Jesus Christ as their higher power. We meet weekly in the Crossroads Community Center.


Healthy Eating Support Community Program

Tompkins County Cornell Cooperative Extension 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United States

Do you struggle to eat healthier? Maybe struggling with binge eating or having trouble coming up with delicious yet nutritious meals to make? At the Healthy Eating Support Community program, we can help you make healthier choices that will benefit you in the long run - all at the grand cost of $0. This program […]


Simplicity Parenting: Lecture by Kim John Payne

Ithaca High School Auditorium 1401 N Cayuga St, Ithaca, NY, United States

Ithaca Waldorf School Parent Council hosts Kim John Payne, renowned child development expert and best-selling author, for a lecture and parenting workshop. Kim will give his hallmark lecture, "Simplicity Parenting" on Friday, April 25th from 6-7:30pm. This public lecture will address the themes of child mental wellness, discipline, and practice tips for parenting in today’s […]

$10 – $35

Monthly Meeting of Tri-County Riders for Christ (Chapter 1261: CMA)

Jreck Subs 29 Market St, Alexandria Bay, NY, United States

Christian Motorcyclist Association Watertown Chapter is seeking new members. The CMA is a ministry to the motorcycling community. The chapter meets on the last Friday of each month 6:00 pm @ Jreck Sub Shop 2 S.Main Street Philadelphia, NY. For further information contact Paul Watson (Chapter President) @ 315-408-1321



LaFayette Alliance Church 6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, NY, United States

A special help seminar and support group for people experiencing grief and loss. GrielfShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics.


Fresh Start Fellowship

Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

Fresh Start Fellowship is a Life Recovery Group. We all have struggles in life. We get impatient with those we love, we may struggle with finances, or feel down some days and unmotivated. Everyday life has its difficulties. But some of these struggles are deep rooted and can lead to feelings of being stuck in […]


Celebrate Recovery Meetings

Crossroads Community Church 1751 Fyler Rd, Chittenango, NY, United States

Join us for a Bible based 12-Step recovery ministry to find healing from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe and secure environment with ladies and men who find healing with Jesus Christ as their higher power. We meet weekly in the Crossroads Community Center.



LaFayette Alliance Church 6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, NY, United States

A special help seminar and support group for people experiencing grief and loss. GrielfShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics.


Fresh Start Fellowship

Auburn Alliance Church 630 N. Seward Avenue, Auburn, NY, United States

Fresh Start Fellowship is a Life Recovery Group. We all have struggles in life. We get impatient with those we love, we may struggle with finances, or feel down some days and unmotivated. Everyday life has its difficulties. But some of these struggles are deep rooted and can lead to feelings of being stuck in […]
