Wayne Weekly
Page: 17
Recently Kevin Kloss MHN program director, Mark Warner Mornings host and Productions Director, and I journeyed to Cary, North Carolina on invite from Trans World Radio (TWR) to take a […]
This morning I was driving into work through fog covered hills and valleys. I saw a hazy morning sun just breaking through the fog, took my usual turn heading upwards […]
As believers we find sometimes that we are “evented out”. It seems things often come in waves, a concert here, a church function over there, a Christian’s theme movie somewhere! […]
I awoke sometime in the early morning hours with my brain in overdrive. Whether I always like it or not I’ve inherited an overdrive on my brain’s transmission. Often when I wake […]
Many of us know the scriptural account of Jacob’s ladder. As you may recall Jacob was fleeing for his life from Esau his twin brother who vowed to kill […]
I’m amused at the ominous names of the midway rides showcasing at the NY State Fair. Sure, the idea is to appeal to the thrill seeker, you know, someone who […]
One of the greatest blessings during my recent camping trip to Fair Haven State Park were the first two nights living under a canopy of stars. The sky was clear […]
Time stood still for maybe 12 seconds last week. It was a time warp, but without the sharp edges, that is the morning that my two girls, Jill and […]
I was excited. My vegetable garden had produced its first crop of pick-able sweet green peppers. I had five of those beauties dangling off the plants with the promise of […]
Just this morning I had to do a quick run into Wegman’s to pick a few things up before heading out for work. I told my daughter I would pick […]