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In the Market w/Janet Parshall

Page: 31

Why is it so difficult to talk to our closest friends about what’s most important to us? Our guest struggled with that question himself. As a twentysomething, he operated as […]

Join us this hour as our husband-and wife team offer some insight and analysis into the last but important decisions handed down by the High Court. How did they decide […]

This hour we open the phone lines so that you can ask any question you have on the topic of spiritual warfare. We will tackle questions like: Can demons read […]

Join us this hour as we take a deep dive into 2 controversial medical issues. We start by hearing an analysis of a new Gallup poll that looks at where […]

The LGBT agenda is posing some challenges to the Church today and the days mandate some preplanning on how to protect your church from legal as well as theological challenges. […]

[[{“value”:” This hour we once again open our phone line so that you can ask any question you have on the topic of narcissism. Questions like: How are children manipulated […]

[[{“value”:” We celebrated a very special birthday On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week. We joined our favorite missionary to the entertainment industry to celebrate all that God […]

On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we started off the week with a sobering conversation with an eye witness to the events of the October 7th Hamas […]

Moses had too many responsibilities, King David faced opposition, and Paul felt alone, but leaning into God’s guidance, these biblical leaders rallied people toward a better future. You, too, can […]

Join us this hour as we speak with one of Washington’s most esteemed columnists who covers national security and defense. He will update us on several stories dealing with Communist […]