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Whenever there are discussions about how Israel might deal with the reality of being surrounded on all sides by those who seek its complete destruction, much mental and moral confusion […]
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit has ruled that two religious organizations are free to operate in consistency with their beliefs in two separate cases. The court […]
A week after police in Pakistan allegedly killed a Muslim accused of blasphemy, Muslims celebrated the murder of another blasphemy suspect by bestowing garlands on police suspected of killing him. […]
What do countries like Ireland, Scotland, and Finland have in common with China, Iran, and North Korea? They are seeing the rise of censorship and witnessing the death of free […]
Join us this hour as we take a look at some of the stories making headlines. We will also get an update on how the Gospel is spreading throughout Iran […]
[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – A growing number of companies are opting not to participate in the Human Rights Campaign’s annual LGBT scorecard. The Corporate Equality Index ranks firms on how […]
[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – Dr. Kristin Lyerly used to perform abortions in Sheboygan — a fact she cheerfully admits in an interview with MedPage Today. She currently practices in Minnesota. […]
[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – The Pew Research Center has been tracking the paths of people who flee the nations of their birth for religious reasons. As you might expect, Jewish […]
[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – The well-respected polling organization is analyzing 20 years of surveys and is painting a picture of an America that is changing fast. Pew says the country […]
[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – They are the growing segment of the U.S. population that when asked what their religious affiliation is they answer NONE. The Public Religion Research Institute reports that […]