Christian Headlines
Page: 160
Abortion clinics across Northern Ireland are now officially subject to exclusion zones, which came into effect across the country last Friday. The “safe access zones” are designed to deter anti-abortion […]
As Iran’s president was flying to New York this morning, an Iranian-Armenian pastor was handing himself in to prison in Tehran to begin a 10-year sentence for engaging in “propaganda […]
Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists this week killed 15 Christians in Kaduna state, Nigeria, following the slaying of another one last week. The assailants on Wednesday (Sept. 27) attacked predominantly […]
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not extreme rational human thought; rather it is more akin to autistic savant-like intelligence, where the knowledge base is the vast sum of all human knowledge […]
A 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death outside a bus stop on her way to school has been described by her family as “the light of our lives.” Police […]
Christian satire news site The Babylon Bee has headed to court in an effort to halt New York’s law coercing online entities including the Bee to monitor and crack down […]
A Muslim has locked up his son and starved him for more than four months as punishment for becoming a Christian. An evangelistic team in eastern Uganda this month discovered […]
In a recent interview with long-time conservative radio host Dennis Prager, David Pakman, the popular, left-wing podcaster and TV host, asked Prager about the state of the nation. From Pakman’s […]
Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham and key staff members have gathered with special guests to open its new Greensboro Airlift Response Center. The Boone, North Carolina Christian charity giant now […]
“God rescued me!” says Joni Eareckson Tada after she has been released from hospital, struggling with a bout of double pneumonia. Eareckson Tada, who last week was recognized as one […]