Did you know that when you financially support the Mars Hill Network, an amazing transformation takes place? You are no longer a “listener”, but you become a “partner in ministry” with us!
Your alliance with Christian broadcasting enables the Mars Hill Network to come alongside churches and reach into homes, into cars, and into the work place with the power of the Word of God, places where other ministries may not be given opportunity. The power of the Word and the active work of the Holy Spirit results in rescued lives, precious lives that your partnership with us makes possible.
Your alliance with the Mars Hill Network also assists us in supplying interactive content, encouraging Bile studies, dynamic Bible research tools and connects our internet visitors with the best of today’s radio Bible teaching programmers. All this, as well as providing information on our concert and seminar ministries through Mars Hill Apex and Mars Hill Summit extensions.
And your alliance with the Mars Hill Network involves you into world-wide missions as we partner with such international ministries as Reach Beyond, Far East Broadcasting, Trans-World Radio, Gospel for Asia, and Samaritans Purse, and regional ministries like New Hope Family Services, the Rescue Mission of Utica, and many others.