Author: Teddy
Page: 18
Turkey (MNN) — The odds are terrible for children who enter the world bearing the label of “refugee”. A ministry partner of Christian Aid Mission estimates that 60 percent of […]
Bangladesh (MNN) — Recently FMI‘s Bruce Allen was in Bangladesh conducting field visits with FMI-supported church planters. And though what Allen discovered was somber, it was also encouraging. The Bengali […]
Eastern Europe (MNN) — While abortion rates are falling in the developed world, Eastern Europe still stands as the region of the world with the highest rates of abortion. Research […]
Philippines (MNN) — In the course of covering the siege on Marawi, The Manila Times noted the relief efforts aimed at helping the Christians and Muslims fleeing the Islamic city […]
International (MNN) — Tent Schools International is all about education, and since schools continue to update to fit the latest technology, it makes sense for Tent Schools to do the […]
Southeast Asia (MNN) — In many communities, the local church exists to serve people and be a beacon of Christ’s love. But not everyone sees it that way. In many […]
You may be old enough to remember the hit song by the Carpenters, Rainy Days and Mondays. It was a melancholy song about how Mondays and rainy days affected the […]
It’s baseball season. The summer “laid back excitement” pastime for many. I am not much of a sports enthusiast I’ll admit that. I may watch a few basketball games (SU) […]
Recently I heard of a bumper sticker that reads, “I am Unique”…just like everyone else. That sums it up nicely, many think they are unique, an individual, exclusive, distinctive, and […]
You’ve probably heard the cliché, “Are we having fun yet?” That’s the kind of thing you say when you go to an amusement park and end up sicker than a […]