Wayne Weekly “Transition of The Indelible”
Written by Teddy on May 26, 2016
A tribute to the retiring Yolanda Thompson, Mars Hill Network Administrative Assistant, in service to the Lord 28 years.
People come and go in our lives. Whether in our neighborhoods, our workplace, or our special friends or family members. People come and go. As believers, even in trying to figure out why some move away from us, we must default to the truth of the sovereignty of God.
Transitions can be very exciting, can be very sad, can be uneventful, or can create a time of showing appreciation and love toward a person. Such is why I blog today.
Over the years of ministry here at Mars Hill I have come to sincerely appreciate Yolanda Thompson. Yolanda has served as administrative assistant here since 1988. Our front office has been blessed by Yolanda’s attitude of, “I’ll do it, I’ll figure something out…I’ll give it my best shot!” Sure, sometimes trying to “figure something out” or make a deadline can create somewhat of a stressful situation. We’ve all been there. But in the end, Yolanda completes the task through perseverance. Yolanda’s skill in making computer software perform in a way that was never really intended is amazing. Her attention to detail…she stands right alongside the best of them.
On more of a personal level, “Lonnie” Thompson is a friend to our entire staff. Always ready to listen and share in a personal story…tears and all. Like to laugh, join Yolanda’s club. If a staff member needs help with a letter, end of month underwriter billing, or figuring out how to print something on a system that likes to “think on its own”, Yolanda’s ready and willing to combat the situation. Yolanda’s always open to pray for the needs of a listener and always does so with a sincere heart.
Dependable, that’s Yolanda Thompson. Thoughtful…that’s Lonnie. Exhibiting God’s love, Yolanda again.
We’ve all are blessed to have worked and served the Lord alongside Yolanda Thompson. She will be missed and never forgotten by us here at the Mars Hill Network.
Some things are just indelible.