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Wayne Weekly “Propping Up the Messenger”

Written by on March 2, 2017

I remember a number of years ago moving into my current house and discovering that the enclosed porch off of the kitchen had lost a great deal of its support due to decaying posts. I realized that when the back room/entrance was built, it was not built atop a concrete block foundation as they did with the rest of the house. The structure was sagging!


Being considerably younger with less money, but energetic and ready to blast off, I took the job of replacing the posts on my own. It was an exciting adventure…and rewarding I might add.


Removing the back door stairs and laying on my stomach, I began to tackle the “bigger than expected” job, beginning with jacking up the structure. You know it’s tough to dig into the earth on your tummy with extremely limited headroom. Each partial short handled shovelful is like bringing up gold from a mine. I had three holes a few feet deep (below the frost line) to dig. After that was; cutting the posts, setting them plumb in concrete (being sure they were lined up at just the right place to connect with the porch joists). I recall that it was hot, physically challenging work. The results were well worth it. Twenty years later things are still not sagging and stable!


In life we prop up many things during our journey. Some things are physical, like the porch. But other things are, in reality, much more crucial. Propping up Christian radio that carries the powerful message of Christ is one of those important things.


The Mars Hill Network, in order to stay strong and stable, needs the help of our listeners. The labor of love of giving financially to this Christian ministry keeps it healthy, keeps it standing straight and effective in its mission of “ministering life” by delivering the gospel message.


Please consider joining our construction and preservation team, those who contribute to the effort of “shoring us up”. Your gift will make a difference today, and help keep us secure and strong tomorrow.


Join our propping partnership team by visiting Careathon 2017!


It all begins here: https://marshillnetwork.webconnex.com/careathon2017


Ephesians 2:10:                 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.